most architecture | Het Avonturenhuis

Curved roof elevation Avonturenhuis in the green natural surrounding designed and built by MOST Architecture

Het Avonturenhuis

The Adventure House is designed as a collection of small lodging buildings dotted in the  landscape and covered by a floating curved roof. Underneath the roof a generous interstitial space of special quality is created: large, open and with strong connections to nature on all sides. 

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International Scout Centre Zeewolde, The Netherlands
2.495 m2
Scoutinglandgoed Zeewolde b.v.
Peter Messerschmidt, Jan van Leeuwen
Paul Geurts, Nina Tsonidi in collaboration with TomDavid architecten, David Baars, Tom van Odijk, Panagiotis Seltsiotis
Wijdland Trading, Henry Wijdeven
Adviesbureau Geuijen (wood) Constructiebureau Vermeij (Concrete and steel
Schipper installatie
Hekospant, Platowood

Project Gallery

  • Main entrance approach of the Avonturenhuis Scoutinglandgoed Zeewolde, wooden facade and laminated curved wooden roof with blue sky and building in nature
  • Ground floorpan of the Avonturenhuis on the Scoutinglandgoed Zeewolde a design by MOST Architecture Rotterdam
  • Floorplan drawing of the first floor of the Avonturenhuis a design by MOST Architecture Rotterdam
  • Wooden facade en curved laminated wooden roof structure of the Adventurehouse on the Socutinglandgoed Zeewolde a design by MOST Architecture Rotterdam
  • Interior space Avinturenhuis with climbing tower and wooden interior facade and laminated wooden curved beams designed and built by MOST Architecture
  • The masterplan for Scouting Nederland's landscape in Zeewolde, designed by MOST Architecture in collaboration with TOMDAVID Architecten
  • Entrance view with people passing by the Adventurehouse on Socutinglandgoed Zeewolde a design by MOST Architecture