Scouting Nederland Headquarters

Sherpa Dagbesteding Baarn

IJsselstein residence

Het Schoterboshuis

Private residence in Abelendreef

Panorama Buitenplaats Leukermeer

Het Blauwe Vogelhuis

Het Avonturenhuis

The Green Diamond

Cathedral residence

Bilthoven residence

Rotterdam residence

Distribution Centre

Greystar workspace

Larikspark Leusden housing

Bed Furniture

Geldrop’s Groene Hart

Floating Harbour Office Haarlem

Anicura dierenkliniek ‘t Leidse Land

Contemporary Friesian residence

Business park Arnhem

Distribution centre

Concentration work booth

Life Europe workspace

Fakton Workspace

Vision Planner Epicenter

Rooftop extension

Masterplan Scoutinglandgoed Zeewolde

Sanitary Pavilions

Garage residence

Wonderwall Studios Paris exhibition

Offshore Independents

Haus der Musik

GGZE Vredeoord

Brandbase Pallet Project

The Green Pearl